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Zero Balancing

“There are angels in the architecture


-  Paul Simon

What it is

The mission of Zero balancing is to provide a holistic body-mind therapy that amplifies each persons experience of health and vitality on all levels. Energy and structure interact beneath our conscious awareness, and when imbalances occur, the body tends to compensate for them rather than resolve them. This can lead to loss of vitality and chronic pain. ZB, with its roots in both Eastern healing and Western medicine, offers a unique method to overcome these imbalances and restore harmony.


How it works

Zero Balancing is a hand-on, mind-body therapy that works predominantly on the level of the bony skeleton. This work not only releases tension in the bones, joints, ligaments and muscles but also aligns the skeleton and the large energy fields of the body. By touching structure and energy simultaneously, the consciousness of the client expands and outdated habits become less well held in the system, leaving space for the body-mind system to align with fresh intention. The clear bone contact grounds the body as the consciousness expands. 


The logistics

Clients are fully clothed for Zero Balancing sessions (so it’s a good idea to dress comfortably or bring something comfy to change into) At the beginning of the session there is a short verbal intake followed by a minute or two of physical evaluations.  For the remainder of the healing session clients get to lie on their back while being held in various positions of support, sometimes stretched and directed in gentle curved vectors. Tender points through the body are contacted, met and listened to. The practitioner uses their sensitive finger tips to find stuck tension and encourage it to release as well as move fresh energy more clearly through muscles, bones and organs.


Length and price

1 hour
This extraordinarily effective technique only takes one hour to bring balance to mind and body while spending extra time on specific areas of concern. Zero Balancing is so effective, in fact, that only hour sessions are available because any longer would run the risk of "over doing it" 

Single Session Rate $150  -  Rates as low as $130 with package

In Zero Balancing, the practitioner uses their hands and attention to connect with the body's own unconscious witness. In this way the practitioner shows the body where its imbalances are and creates a space for the body to reorganize itself. Being "fixed" by your own system is always better than being "fixed" by someones else. 

what it is
how it works
length and price

Cara H. Zero Balancing the hip socket and bringing a clearer, stronger field through the body

Zero Balancing sitting evaluation of shoulder girdle

Zero Balancing the ITB (iliotibial band)

Zero Balancing the spinal column and neck muscles

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