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Therapeutic Massage

"The more relaxed you are, the better you are at everything: the better you are with your loved ones, the better you are with your enemies, the better you are at your job, the better you are with yourself."

                                                                                         - Bill Murry

What it is

The muscular system is a complex network of connective tissue, designed to move us through our lives and support our vital flow of blood. This soft tissue is resilient, elastic and buoyant. Excess tension can compromise these qualities and inhibit other functions as well. Uncomfortable and sometimes painful tension or loss of motion can be built slowly from repetitive movement or psychological stress or engendered rapidly like a spasm in response to injury. In massage, muscles, tendons and fascia are grasped, lifted, kneaded, pushed and pulled to restore elasticity, blood flow and ease of movement. Therapeutic Massage is an umbrella term that encompasses many specialties of massage which are appropriate for different needs. Orthopedic, Sports, Deep Tissue, Prenatal, Trigger Point, Cupping, Neuromuscular Re-Patterning, Myofascial Release and PNF Stretch are some of the popular techniques in the field today, all of which are available at Sun Glass Healing. Therapeutic massage can certainly be as relaxing as a Swedish massage- and in fact Swedish massage strokes are often used towards the beginning and end of a therapeutic massage- but the main difference is that therapeutic massage incorporates a degree of anatomical evaluation as part of the relaxing strokes, and body areas with more tension will get extra attention.


How it works

Massage is beneficial for several reasons. The warmth created by the gentle movement and friction of massage dilates blood vessels which increases blood flow especially to the limbs. The improved circulation helps to usher stagnant blood and toxins away from the muscle tissue and ferry fresh blood with oxygen and nutrients in. There are nerve cells in the muscles that govern contraction and relaxation. When these nerve cells get stuck in a loop that triggers spasm, specific rhythms of lengthening and compressing strokes as well as movement of the limbs and tissues work together to trip up the loop and reset it into a functional pattern once again.
All forms of massage have one thing in common. They stimulate the peripheral nerves on the skin, which connect to the autonomic nervous system in a profoundly helpful way. The parasympathetic nervous system, coined “rest and digest” is responsible for the bodies self repair processes while the sympathetic nervous system, coined “fight or flight” speeds up our heart rate and breathing and is often activated with feelings of anxiety. Massage brings balance by sedating the fight or flight response and awakening the natural rest and healing processes of the governing nervous system.
Finally, a quick note on emotional instinct; Just think about the first thing you do when you accidentally get hurt. You hold or rub or cover the hurt area with your hand because instinctually you know that touch is healing.

The logistics

After a short verbal intake, I will instruct you how to position yourself on the massage table and then leave the room so you can disrobe and lay on the table underneath a sheet and blanket. Body parts are uncovered one at a time to be massaged with high quality hypoallergenic massage lotion. Essential oils can be blended into the massage at the clients’ request. Stretching, Cupping (with silicon cups) and skeletal alignment can be integrated if there is a need or want for that.

Length and price

1 hour session

The perfect amount of time to give care to the entire body for general relaxation with a small amount of extra time on your especially achy parts. Or to address only your areas of concern with precise focused work.

Single Session Rate - $150  -  Rates as low as $130 with package


1 hour and 30 minutes session

A longer session to provide precise focused work on all areas of concern as well as to integrate the new found functional patterns and muscle release through the entire body, for a truly restorative experience.

Single Session Rate - $210    -     Rates as low as $190 with package

what is it
how it works
the logistics
length and price

Cara Heerdt doing neuromuscular re-patterning for the hips and low back

Releasing the trapezius muscle with trigger point therapy

 massage for rotator cuff

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