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Manual Lymphatic Drainage

"The most important house to clean is your own body"


–Marina Abramovic

what is it

What it is


Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a hands-on therapy that encourages the natural flow of lymph, which carries toxins and excess fluid away from the external body tissues and into the proper channels for it to be flushed fully out of the body. MLD was traditionally done in hospitals to speed recovery from surgery or acute physical trauma. It has since spread to clinics, wellness centers and even spas because of its role in detoxification, immunity, and cosmetic benefits


How it works


The practitioner manually invigorates the lymph nodes to speed detoxification and stimulate the natural lymphatic process. Then the lymph vessels are gently stretched open (mimicking the natural intake of fluid into the lymph vessel) as fluid is pushed out of the space where it causes swelling and stagnation and into the vessels where it can be flushed through the body and naturally expelled. This method feels very light to the touch as the majority of lymphatic collectors lie just under the skin. Little to no lubrication is used on the skin to provide maximum connection of the practitioner’s hands to the vessels and fluid just under the skin. When the stagnant fluid is properly flushed the majority of it is expelled though urine.

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The logistics


Sessions begin with a short verbal intake. If the reason for the session is surgery or injury related, there will be a short physical evaluation to asses the areas in need. I will instruct you how to position yourself on the massage table and then leave the room so you can disrobe and lay on the treatment table underneath a sheet and blanket. Please hydrate normally (no more and no less than usual) and the general rule of thumb is that if you don’t have to pee after a Manual Lymphatic Drainage session you’re probably dehydrated. If you have a lot of toxins in your body you may experience a “detox effect” usually in the form of a slight feeling of nausea for a couple of hours. Drinking plenty of purified water after a Manual Lymphatic Drainage session is recommended to reduce or eliminate the uncomfortable ‘detox’ symptoms.

Length and price

1 hour session

A good amount of time for general detox and rejuvenation. An hour is also appropriate for draining swelling in one or two small areas of the body. Please note that for post surgical swelling, soreness and numbness, at least 4 sessions (usually 1 or 2 per week for 2-4 weeks) is recommended for a start.

 Single Session Rate - $150    -    Rates as low as $130 with a package


1 hour and 30 minute session

A longer session is better for draining larger areas of swelling. This is also a good amount of time for full body rejuvenation. (if you are in need of more intense detox it is best to start with a shorter, 1 hour long session to avoid the "detox effect" symptoms) 

Single Session Rate - $210    -     Rates as low as $190 with package

how it work
length and price

Please note: If you have primary lymphedema the treatment you need is called Complete Decongestive Therapy, not Manual Lymphatic Drainage

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