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Sun Glass

Healing Therapy

  Bringing clarity and ease to the body and mind through skilled conscious bodywork
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Cara Egbert  blends pragmatic skills with a holistic approach to healing, renewing clients with a feeling of local pain relief and global coordination through all body systems.

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Financial District in Manhattan through

New Location!

106 Apple Street

suite 202-D
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724




Sorry, no walk-ins

Monday -Friday



“At the cellular level, there is an intelligence wise enough to know wellness”

    -Candice Pert

Outdated behavioral patterns are held in our bodies



Whether this pattern is a collapsed energy in the spine that causes strain on the shoulders while working on a computer, or a pattern of negative self talk that dampens one’s mood and tightens the jaw... 



These patterns are shifted when the body is given an opportunity to pay attention to itself, feel where the tension is and how good it feels to let it go. 



Various forms of massage including Therapeutic Deep Tissue/Sports, Swedish, Orthopedic, Prenatal, Trigger Point, Neuromuscular Re-Patterning, Myofascial Release and PNF Stretching may be incorporated. The massage techniques are chosen and mixed based on the unique needs and wants for the client and may differ from session to session as needed. With all the available massage techniques, the deep mechanisms of “rest and digest” will override the stressed out parts of you that are in  ‘fight or flight’. Only high quality hypoallergenic lotions are used. 


This is an opportunity to allow the particular needs of your body and mind to determine the course of the healing session, right in the moment. Here, all of the available modalities are free to be mixed and matched to best serve the unique needs of the individual.  As alive beings, we are always shifting and changing and our tensions are always transferring to and from one kind of tissue to another. Bones, fluid, muscles and energy all get equal time or whatever unequal ratio of time that best serves the whole person.


This specialized bodywork session is geared towards awakening the parasympathetic nervous system that puts our bodies into “rest and digest” mode as it calms the sympathetic “fight or flight” mode. Acupressure designed to sedate the fight or flight energy meridian is often incorporated and you will leave with a few simple acupressure techniques you can use on yourself whenever you feel nervous or stressed in daily life.  If necessary, skeletal energy techniques like Zero Balancing can be integrated to ensure that your stress relief goes bone deep. Life’s stresses will never cease, but this integrated body therapy strengthens ones resilience to life’s stress by coordinating and strengthening the parts of you that have become discombobulated under stressful stimulus. If pain is contributing to stress, those issues will be addressed as well.


This clinical modality is for treating swelling from injury or surgery, general bloating and water retention. Recent studies have shown this technique is indicated for migraines, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. This method is highly recommended by doctors for post surgical operation to aid in full recovery. It is also recommended for healthy people looking for detoxification, immune system boost, or relaxation for those who need very light pressure.  


A hands-on, mind-body therapy that works predominantly on the level of the bony skeleton. This work not only releases tension in the bones, joints, ligaments and muscles but also aligns the skeleton and the large energy fields of the body. This method is very precise, deep, yet gentle and heightens a sense of well being, connection, balance and harmony while reducing body pain and discomfort, promoting postural alignment, and enhancing developmental processes and personality integration


This integrated bodywork session, specialized in relieving acute and chronic lower back pain, includes massage, gentle skeletal alignment and neuromuscular re-patterning. With this deep and precise method, your pelvis, hips, lumbar and lower ribcage is not only released and aligned, but taught (non-verbally) how to hold the new more functional muscle recruitment pattern for longer periods of time. This work is supportive of herniated spinal discs, stenosis, sciatica and other common lower back/pelvic conditions. It also provides support and relief for those with no diagnosis and just a lot of pain and discomfort. 



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I have been seeing Cara Heerdt since a back injury in April and she has been wonderful helping both my body and spirit to heal and increasing my awareness of the effect of emotional stress on my physical body. I always feel better after a session with her and she got me through a lot of pain.

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Had a wonderful experience with Cara. Using the zero balancing technique, Cara immediately relieved my cervical spine pain and left me refreshed and pain free for days afterwards. I would highly recommend Cara for anyone with chronic pain.


-Suzanne S

-Susan K    

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Cara gave me one of the best massages I have ever had. I went in with a few issues and she clearly knew how to address them in a way that made such a difference in the way I felt. She has a deep understanding of physiology and used a couple of techniques that I have not see before. She was really just fantastic!

-Dawn C



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